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Sean Scanlon has dedicated his life to serving his community and the people of Connecticut. 


Sean was raised in Guilford by a single mom, attended public schools and worked his way through high school and Boston College. 


After college, Sean came home to Connecticut and started helping others. He worked as an aide to U.S. Senator Chris Murphy where he assisted Chris in fighting for gun safety, better health care and solving problems for constituents who called his office for help. In Guilford, he worked with neighbors to organize successful grassroots campaigns to build a new high school and create full-day kindergarten. 


In 2014, Sean was elected State Representative for the 98th District. In the House, Sean became a champion for health care reform, something he first became passionate about seeing his mom's struggles with affording insurance as a small business owner and his own experience of being uninsured. 


Named chairman of the legislature's Insurance Committee in just his second term, Sean wrote and passed legislation protecting people with pre-existing conditions from insurance discrimination, established the lowest monthly co-pay cap for insulin in the nation at $25, prevented insurance companies from covering mental health different than physical health, required health insurance plans to cover ten "Essential Health Benefits" such as maternity care and hospital visits, and created Connecticut's first prescription drug price transparency law requiring drug companies to justify large price increases. 


Now in his fourth term, he serves as Chair of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding committee where he's leading the fight to create tax relief for working families like the one he grew up in. In 2021, he helped pass a bipartisan state budget and worked with business and labor to negotiate historic legislation putting Connecticut's unemployment trust fund on a path to solvency for the first time in 50 years. 


Outside of the legislature, Sean serves as Executive Director of Tweed-New Haven Airport. In his first 18 months on the job he transformed the airport, secured a $100 million public-private investment deal, brought in a new air carrier and created over 100 new community jobs. 


Sean lives in Guilford with his wife Meghan, the President & CEO of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and two young sons Jack and Declan.

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